
Headshot Mini Marathon - January 30th / B&W Boudoir Event - February 1

The Significance of Generational Portraits

Honoring Your Family’s Legacy with Generational Portraits

There’s nothing like having a visual representation of your family legacy – celebrating important and memorable milestones – to hold in your hands, share with others, and decorate your walls with. Generational portraits are a time honored way to commemorate your loved ones, both young and old; to celebrate and honor our elders while shining a light on the path ahead for the next generation. 

Highlighting Bonds & Honoring Attributes

Being able to look back at a moment in time that captures each generation’s natural state of being- from that quirky smile to, “she loved that dress” memories that make each family member unique in their own ways. 

It’s also so fun to see what characteristics or traits have been inherited from one generation to the next; what stayed the same, what has changed. Honoring those complex family dynamics and relationships, unspoken bonds of trust and kinship, and the intricacies unique to each family. 

A Picture is Worth a Thousands Words

Family is the most important and most valuable thing in anyone’s life. Whether it’s your biological family or your chosen one, it’s always a great idea to honor and memorialize what they mean to you.  

In an every changing and chaotic world, with ever prodding technology, pandemics, and politics fighting for our attention, it’s easy to take for granted the love and support we have within a family unit. 

Show your gratitude for your loved ones, and how much they truly mean to you, with something as simple as a photoshoot that highlights who they are, where they’ve been, and what they mean to you.

There’s No Time Like Now

It’s no secret that families are constantly changing – welcoming new members and saying goodbye to others. From one day to the next your family may look and feel different. This is why there’s no better time than now to book a generational portrait photoshoot. 

Sure, smartphones can do the trick of capturing the day by day, but when you are creating an heirloom piece of artwork for your family (that means every family member can focus on themselves and not setting the timer and running to get in place) choosing a professional studio is the smartest decision.

Booking Your Session This Season

Imagine being able to look over photos of the past – side by side with newer ones – to see how everyone has grown, changed, and the indelible marks they’ve left behind, or have yet to. These images become a timeline of sorts – teeming with history for current and future generations to enjoy.

With the holidays just around the corner, now is a great time to gather your loved ones for your annual generational portrait. 

Weather permitting, outdoor environments are a great setting for these types of sessions. Making plans to get together for Thanksgiving? Book with us now to reserve your generational session while you’re all together this November. 

We look forward to bringing your generational portraiture to a reality.  Click here to see our family gallery that includes some samples of some generation portraits.